Recognizing Key Social Media Marketing Trends for 2023

As digital marketing moves into another year full of promise, social media again leads the way as one of the best avenues for promotion and outreach. Anyone working in the field would know that every aspect of online marketing evolves over time as changes are driven by trends. Some such trends are driven by consumer demand and others by technology.

In any case, there is little doubt over the rule of change in digital marketing. Unlike other traditional field where real change only comes along once every ten years, digital marketing is always rife with new disruptions.

This in turn incentivizes professionals part of the industry to always remain updated with new trends. In an interview with Delhi Courses, the marketers mentioned that, A digital marketer specializing in something as simple as email marketing has to keep track of all the new tools and practises adopted by marketers in the field to attract audience through email campaigns.

Social media is constantly changing. A typical social media manager always has to stay updated with all the latest social media trends, both related to content and the functionality of different social platforms.

In this article, we discuss which specific social media marketing trends seem the most promising in the coming year.


We list Tik-Tok as a trend in itself because there has probably never been a social media platform which has captured the imagination of a global audience so quickly.

Developed by ByteDance, a Chinese tech giant, Tik-Tok is a video platform which allows users to see short fifteen-second videos. It is seen as a worthy successor of Vine, although it never managed to scale the heights Tik-Tok.

The popularity of Tik-Tok is largely driven by its highly-accurate video feed which is able to curate content based upon the viewing habits of the user. In other words, Tik-Tok will be able to improve your experience the more you use it.

One can already see its influence on the way digital marketing is taught. Some of the best digital marketing institutes have already added Tik-Tok to their curriculum. More and more students are asking about Tik-Tok before joining a digital marketing course.

For digital marketers, Tik-Tok is simply not a platform they can afford to ignore. It has simply too large a user base for a digital marketing campaign to overlook. While Tik-Tok may seem like a platform which is ideal only for music and comical content, it could evolve into a platform catering to a wider audience as YouTube has over the years.

Marketing Goals Trumping Engagement

For years, social marketers have tried to increase engagement and treated the overall marketing objective (such as lead generation or sales) as a long-term goal says DCA.

As marketers receive orders to improve returns from social marketing campaigns, the focus will inevitably shift from engagement to securing the marketing objective. This trend will mean marketers having to run more focused campaigns which aim to convert people and not just bring in likes and shares.

Influencer Marketing Boom

Influencer marketing has already been growing over the years, but 2020 could be the year when businesses of all sectors and sizes end up channeling the reach of influencers on social media.

In digital marketing, things can be slow at times. Influencer marketing is like a shortcut to gaining greater traction in a short span of time. Trust in influencer marketing has grown as small and large businesses have seen how others have benefited with the reach of an influential personality on social media.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers three key social media marketing trends marketers should cover.