Here Is How You Hire Best Freelancers When Creating a Remote Team

Cox Internet Packages

Building a remote team is not new. Many startups have had been operating with this business model for years. Many have even begun their business only through implementing the remote working model. However, with the pandemic, this model was widespread, adapted, and accepted all over the world.

Companies were forced to pivot into the remote working standard to keep the ventures running. Even though many business leaders were reluctant to put their staff of remote working standards, a lot of them have now adopted the new normal to an extinct that there is no going back.

Many organizations have seen the benefits of working remotely. From lower absenteeism to increased productivity, employers have realized that keeping remote working standards operational is favorable for the business.

On the other hand, employees working from home had faced challenges and struggled to adapt to the new normal. Employees working from home suffered from having a balanced home and work life, the unavailability of high-speed internet service, separate workstations and the constant feeling of isolation increased the remote working troubles. However, even with the struggles, the comfort of working from home, avoiding the traffic, and having the opportunity to be there for your loved ones is hard to ignore.

With more than a year into remote working, employees got a hold of the situation. Many employees have put on efforts to create a separate workstation, home office with wok essentials such as a high-speed internet service via Cox Internet Packages, chair, desk and a lot more.

This sudden shift and demand for remote working employees have spiked up opportunities for freelancers. While there is a lot of top talent available, it is hard to separate them from the unqualified applicant pool. If you are trying to build a remote team or having trouble hiring top-quality remote workers then here are some tips to help you:

Ask Fellow Entrepreneurs for Referrals

Your competitors do not have to be your enemies. Sometimes, with the power of networking, your biggest competitors can become your allies. You need to put in efforts into building a network that not only helps another entrepreneur but also creates a bond where asking for referrals is not awkward. There is a high chance that your fellow businesspersons and people in your business circle can help you out by picking the right person for the job.

Requesting referrals should be customized. For example, hiring a freelance writer and a remote back-end developer requires two different outlooks. A writing job would not require a lot of involvement. However, a back-end developer should be recognized and trusted by others. Therefore makes sure you have an understanding of how to ask for referrals for different job postings.

Search on Multiple Freelance Market

There are a good number of freelance marketplaces where you can find top talent. You should not limit your search to only some of the marketplace places like Freelancer. There are a lot more names like TopTal, UpWork, Fiverr, and a lot more freelance marketplace that can help you find your man/woman (for the job, obviously).

All you need to do is create a profile in the freelance marketplace and post your requirements on all available options. If you want to attract a large number of the applicant so you can not be lazy into responding to the applicants. This process requires time and effort but it is all worth it.

Moreover, if you want to limit the applicants applying for the job then you can create a detailed listing. You can make it clear that what you are looking for and whatnot. This the only way only to target people that have the desired requirements and those who will apply for the job.

Define the Job Requirements Clearly

The more clear you are with the requirements the easier you will make this process. You need to define what you’re looking for, what you expect, what the qualification should be, what the job description is and which applicants can qualify.

This will reduce the number of unqualified applicants and give space to only those that you want to consider.

If you are too generic with the description, you will only receive interest from abroad range of audiences. This can be good if you have a lot of time to segregate the person you want to hire from the pool of applicants.

Put in Efforts

With a highly competitive marketplace, it is impossible to find the top talent without putting g in the effort.